Educating on Referenced Based Pricing Medical Plan
The Challenge
A predominantly gray collar population with 1600 eligible associates located in 38 states with multiple locations in most states. We were tasked with educating and communicating the Reference Based Pricing (RBP) medical plan, how to use the concierge service and the Health Savings Account (HSA) to associates which were previously on a very rich medical plan. Our client did not have the resources or the manpower to properly communicate the non-network plan vs. a network plan to associates scattered throughout the United States. Clients with a large associate base working in many different states and round the clock schedules can present a problem with enrollment issues and associates having a complete and comfortable understanding of the benefits available to them. We were also tasked with the request that we answer any and all other benefit questions that associates may have.
Our client also challenged us with the task of offering a benefit that included Long Term Care; many associates had requested this benefit for several years. In addition, the client had four different associate groups with each having different changes in their benefit plan and none of which had ever been offered voluntary benefits.
Our challenge continued with an order to accommodate associates in all time zones and worked in plants which were operated on three shifts, 365 days a year.
The Solution
WBS chose to meet face-to-face with associates in the corporate offices and plants; associates who worked offsite and in the field utilized our Online Scheduler to schedule an appointment with a benefits advocate in the WBS Call Center. WBS created and produced a postcard which was sent to the associates designated for the call center with instructions on how to schedule an appointment. The WBS Call Center hours of operation were specific to the needs of the client. In an effort to minimize any disruption in work production, associates that were visited onsite had an appointment scheduled for them by their supervisor. Associate appointments were 20 minutes each and all plant/office locations had 98.6% participation.
WBS benefit advocates were trained (and tested) on how to educate each associate group prior to the enrollment. The four different associate groups each had unique differences in their benefit package and our goal was to ensure that each associate could make an informed decision on their healthcare and all other benefit options.
WBS recommended a Universal Life Policy with Long Term Care living benefits to “fill the void” of a Long Term Care benefit. The policy was well received by associates with 47% participation.
The Result
WBS services paired with the right Voluntary Benefits program allowed us to provide communication, education and training for Referenced Based Pricing Medical for the associates of this group while still providing a profit to the broker.